Proposal to Eradicate

COVID-19 Virus





16 APRIL 2020

RF 150 706 517 US

RF 156 707 265 US 

Proposal to Eradicate COVID-19 Virus


COVID - 19 is a novel coronavirus which can be spread through human-to-human transmission and air-borne transmission to human. It is an undeniable fact that the outbreak has devastated public health across countries globally.

On 29 December 2019, German researchers confirmed these findings. On 15 January 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) officially announced and revealed this unknown virus to the general public.

From 15 January 2020 till now, based on the observation of an accumulation of 105 medical cases, the following diagnostic treatment plan is proposed.

Project name: R B C Project


  • Prospective participants should learn the following in advance:
  • RT-PCR theory and practice
  • BDORT theory and practice
  • Neutrino Medicine
  • 9393 system, theory and practice

For details, please refer to the website

  • Prospective participants, including medical doctors, teachers, researchers, should understand the basics of the different clinical experiments and then choose the preferred research methodology in accordance with the circumstance allowed. For example:
  • Double blind study
  • Self-control study
  • Random study etc.
  • Self-Control Study (SS)

R B C SS Procedures:

  • Collect urine from the patient before any treatment

Normally, no virus can be found in the urine before treatment because the virus cannot be removed naturally from our body. The first urine sample serves as a negative control.

Of course, you can save this urine specimen for other standard medical tests as a reference.

  • The Sun

When a person is in alignment with the Sun, the 4 gates, namely LR3 (left) (左太衝), L14 (left) (左合谷), L14 (right) (右合谷), LR3 (right) (右太衝) will be opened.

Spray 9393 600 times following this sequence:

    1. LR3 left (左太衝) 100 times

    2. L14 left (左合谷) 100 times

    3. L14 right (右合谷) 100 times

    4. LR3 right (右太衝) 100 times

    5. RN17 (膻中) 100 times

    6. DU15 (啞門) 100 times


If the patient is not in alignment with the Sun when 9393 is used, the treatment is not effective because it lacks the power of neutrino energy.

  • Spray 600 times and urinate

Urination after treatment is crucial to verify the removal of virus from the whole body.

Use both RT-PCR and BDORT to test this urine to show the effectiveness of this treatment. Diagnosis and treatment are simultaneously completed.

  • Spray 600 times and urinate for the 3rd time

The virus may no longer be detected in the urine as it has been completely removed from the body.

For critically ill patients, the urine will contain asbestos, electronic magnetic fields (EMF), and other toxins, etc. Repeat the above treatment procedures until all clinical symptoms disappear.

For example:

Fever - Spray DU14 (大椎穴) 100 times

Bowel problems such as bloated abdomen - Spray RN8 (神闕穴) 100 times

Coughing, shortness of breath - spray LU1 (中府穴) and RN22 (天突穴) each 100 times

Other uncomfortable points - spray the pain point (阿是穴) 100 times


  • Any other physical problems can be resolved only after the virus is completely removed from the body.

  • Continue treatment until Sirtuin, the longevity gene protein, can be detected in the body. It is only when Sirtuin is expressed that the virus infection can be resolved.

  • This treatment methodology is different from all the other anti-viral targeting and immunity-boosting mechanisms.

R B C SS is a new treatment methodology. Based on the observation of the 105 medical cases, the same results are concluded.

Other doctors can propose a better treatment method which is safe, effective and replicable, but it is difficult to find a desirable alternative.

  • Take full-body photos of the patient before and after the treatment for comparison.
  • Conduct 30 medical cases to make an initial conclusion for further discussion.

Special points to note:

  • Based on the observation of the 105 medical cases, the patients' condition can be categorized into 6 stages:

Stage 1

Only asbestos and COVID-19 virus can be detected in RN17 (膻中穴) or DN15 (啞門穴)

This stage is called Zhen Gua (震卦).

Stage 2

Apart from asbestos and the COVID - 19 virus, CD29 can be detected in RN17 (膻中穴) or DN15 (啞門穴)

This stage is called Xuan Gua (巽卦).


  • During stages 1 and 2, the condition of patient is fair.

  • Standard RT-PCR testing may not be able to detect the COVID-19 virus when relying on the nasal swab test and the deep throat saliva test. Thus, it may give a false negative result.

  • Conversely, if 9393 is sprayed 600 times, COVID-19 will definitely be detected in the urine.

  • This is an extremely crucial point to note. Global medical institutes are welcome to join us to undertake trial tests for comparison.

Stage 3

EMF can also be detected.

480,000 gauss EMF can be easily detected in RN17 (膻中穴), DN15 (啞門穴), and RN8 (神闕穴).

At this stage, major symptoms will appear such as vomiting and diarrhea due to the infection of the digestive system. Patient will seek medical help at this time.

Both RT-PCR and BDORT tests will be positive.

This stage is called Gen Gua (艮卦).

Stage 4

CD24 can also be detected.

Symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, and the early stage of pneumonia will appear.

Either an X-ray or CT scan will also confirm virus infection.

Severely ill patients may be put on ventilators. If treatment is not undertaken appropriately, the condition of patient will escalate to stage 5.

The stage is called Dui Gua (兑卦).

Stage 5

CD44 can also be detected in LU1 (中府穴) and LI 1 (商陽穴), etc.

Symptoms in the lungs, heart and kidney will gradually appear.

The patients' condition will turn serious which would require intensive care.

This stage is called Li Gua (離卦)

Stage 6

CD133 can also be detected.

This is the terminal stage when the liver, the brain, and the whole body will be damaged.

The patient may fall into a coma.

High-alert medical care is necessary as virus has already spread throughout the body, and the medical staff have a high risk of being infected.

This stage is called Kan Gua (坎卦).

Since COVID-19 is a novel disease and its pathological dynamic is unknown, human beings are paying a tremendous cost.

We are here to pay our highest respect to all medical staff for risking and even losing their lives in this pandemic.

2. Taking actions such as washing hands, wearing masks and protective gears, using air purifiers and ionizers, lighting 93-candles, and social distancing, etc., are necessary to prevent COVID-19.

However, the most important action of all to take is to test whether the longevity gene protein Sirtuin is expressed in your body.

It will be great if you have the Sirtuin marker for testing.

If you do not have one, you can use the 9393 specimen to test whether your body has resonance with it.

By using BDORT, if your fingers open when you point at your body with the 9393 specimen, it means that your body has resonance with it. It indicates that Sirtuin exists in your body.

Conversely, if there is no resonance with 9393, spray 9393 either 60 or 600 times. There is a possibility that the virus will be detected in the urine.

You may not have any feeling of being infected especially when visiting hospitals or crowded places. It is important to stay safe.

Discussion and consensus:

  • Due to the complexity of qi, blood, and intra and extracellular environments, the virus hidden within the cells may not be easily detected by RT-PCR at the very early stage. However, the virus can be detected using BDORT.

As the virus replicates exponentially and damages cell membranes, it will be spread to other parts of body through secretions, capillary fluid, lymphatic fluid, urine, and excrement. It is only at this stage that RT-PCR is able to detect it.

Therefore, it is recommended to use both RT-PCR and BDORT simultaneously for accurate testing in order to prevent potential problems of false negative and false positive results.
Relying on RT-PCR testing alone may give rise to a lot of problems.

  • Undeniably, there are confirmed cases when COVID-19 has recurred in recovered patients. How can we avoid this problem?

The ultimate solution is to use both RT-PCR and BDORT simultaneously when testing. From our observations between February 2020 and now, among the 10 recovered patients, 1-2 patients still have COVID-19 virus detected in their RN17 (膻中穴) or DU15 (啞門穴) using BDORT.

  • World leaders are urged to consider incorporating the RBC SS project into their current measures because it definitely adds an advantage to their work without any drawbacks.

We wish that the COVID 19 pandemic will end soon and that normal social activities will resume.

  • Through analyzing patient photos, the gigantic problem of COVID-19 can be resolved simply and conveniently.

It is Easter, give thanks to God!   

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